Airsoft Safety

Airsoft Safety

Laurence |


Is it dangerous?

Airsoft guns by their very nature can be used to cause harm, through either damage or scaring unsuspecting people. As a sporting hobby however, Airsoft is set up to eliminate any sense of danger to both players and the public alike. A hit from a high-speed BB may cause an 'Ouch!', but this is as much harm a BB can do to a player with reasonable protection.

Playing amongst overgrowth or tricky close-quarters environments can invoke the odd trip or fall, so we advise all airsofters to watch their step and wear supportive boots, as opposed to trainers, to prevent any unfortunate twisting to ankles and such. 

RIFs in Public Places

Airsoft guns should not be used against any person in any other circumstance than as part of an Airsoft game. Members of the public won’t be wearing anything to protect their eyes so shooting at them puts them at serious risks. Guns must be concealed in a bag and unloaded so that the gun isn’t seen as a danger by any member of the public who spots it. Carrying an Airsoft gun in public is a danger to yourself as police may become involved or you could even be tackled by someone who suspects you are carrying a real gun. The speed of firing pellets is dangerous to small animals which can be killed by them. Animals should not be shot at with pellet guns under any circumstances as we know you know.